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Key Stage 2: Science & Geography

Discover flora, fauna and creatures of the Ghana rainforests with a fascinating school visit to Cadbury World, linked to the Key Stage 2 Science & Geography.

Our educational talk on Rainforests gives students the opportunity to learn about the different features of the rainforest and the different animals that can be found within it. Enhancing learning outside of the classroom as your pupils discover this fascinating topic.

Schools 3


See real Ghanaian cocoa pods filled with the cocoa beans. Students will discover where cocoa beans grow, applying Geographical key terms to their explanation of the locations of different rainforests.

Develop students understanding of the differences between the different living things in the rainforest using exclusive video footage and photo resources to enhance the experience.

The presentation also features footage on a cocoa beans journey from the rainforest to the Cadbury factory to help students link their learning to a real-life context.

Take time to reflect on why it is so important to protect the rainforests.


Primary Curriculum – Science: Identify and name a variety of common animals. Recognise and describe how livings things are classed into broader groups according to common observable characteristics. Recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose a danger to living things.

Primary Curriculum – Geography: Understand geographical similarities and differences and identify the position and significane of the Equator, Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere.

How to book a school visit

Enquire about a School visit and our education team will contact you within 5 working days to confirm your booking. If you would like an educational session, we recommend booking at least 3 months in advance due to the popularity of our sessions.
For more information about our educational programmes and resources, please email