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Ancient Mayan Civilisation

Key Stage 2: History

Uncover the wonders of The Maya with a fascinating school visit to Cadbury World, linked to the Key Stage 2 Ancient Civilisations curriculum.

Our educational talk on The Maya enhances learning outside of the classroom as your pupils discover this fascinating ancient civilisation. The talk complements a tour of Cadbury World, which features the Mayan peoples’ involvement in the early history of cocoa in c. AD 900.

Schools 2

The Maya Educational talk

Bring your topic to life with our curriculum-linked talk, presented in our themed education rooms by our dedicated team. We will introduce the great city of Chichen Itza and discover the Mayan myths and legends that claimed how humans were created. 

See our real cocoa pods filled with the cocoa beans that were so valuable to Mayans in c. AD 900, and the wooden whisk they used to make their favourite chocolate drink. Lucky pupils can even have the chance to dress as a Mayan!

We find out if The Maya played possibly the first team sport in human history, connecting and contrasting their lives to ours today. The presentation also features video and audio to enhance your experience, and is available for either individual or multiple classes of up to 100 students.


Primary Curriculum – History: Pupils will understand the achievements of the earliest civilisations in a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history. Look at events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally. Take a closer look at a non-European society that provides contrast with British history - Mayan civilizations c.AD 900.

How to book a school visit

Enquire about a School visit and our education team will contact you within 5 working days to confirm your booking. If you would like an educational session, we recommend booking at least 3 months in advance due to the popularity of our sessions.
For more information about our educational programmes and resources, please email